

Tony Nicola

Data Engineer
CVS Health

Hello, my name is Tony Nicola and I am an ETL developer with a focus on automating tasks in the 340B healthcare industry. I have a strong background in using SSIS, SQL, Python, and JavaScript to design and implement data pipelines that streamline data extraction, transformation, and loading processes.

One of my passions is finding ways to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, and I enjoy learning new technologies and tools that can help me achieve this goal.

This website serves as a platform for me to document my progress, share my knowledge and experience, and discuss the various projects and problems I have tackled in the past. I hope that by sharing my work, I can help other developers and professionals find new solutions and improve their own automation efforts.

In addition to programming, I enjoy practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, pc gaming, 3d printing, and exploring the PNW.